作者: brianzzy (BK) 看板: iPhone
標題: [情報] 國立成功大學控告蘋果siri觸犯專利
時間: Sun Jul 29 09:30:48 2012
The National Cheng Kung University in Taiwan has filed a patent
infringement lawsuit against Apple claiming that Apple's use of
Siri on the iPhone and (future) iPad, infringe on two of their
patents relating to speech recognition.
The National Cheung Kung University in Taiwan is suing Apple for
alleged patent infringement. The University's Exhibit "A," which
is shown in-part below, is that of a US Granted Patent 7,707,032
titled "Method and System for Matching Speech Data," which was
originally filed in Q4 2005. The filing states that the patent is
generally directed to a system used to determine the similarity
between an input speech data and sample speech data on a touch
device, such as smartphone or tablet. The words "smartphone" or
"tablet" don't appear in the first patent.
Yet the heart of their patent infringement suit is really about
how the iPhone and (future) iPad use the voice activated assistant
capabilities of Siri. To make this absolutely clear, the
University filed a second count of patent infringement against
Apple using a 2007 Granted Patent 7,266,496 titled "Speech
Recognition System."
The University's filing states that "The '496 Patent is generally
directed to a complete speech recognition system having a training
button and a recognition button, and the whole system uses the
application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) architecture for
the design, and also uses the modular design to divide the speech
processing into 4 modules: system control module, autocorrelation
and kinear predictive coefficient module, cepstrum module, and DTW
recognition module as used with the with a device, such as
smartphone or tablet." I'm not a scientist, but the filing may
have erred with listing "kinear predictive" instead of "Linear
Predictive," as "linear predictive" is listed in their patent
abstract noted above.
In both counts, the filing states that to the extent that facts
learned in discovery show that Apple's infringement of their
patents have been willful, the University reserves the right to
request such a finding at time of trial. Willful infringement
usually translates to requesting the court to triple the amount of
the actual/compensatory damages.
The case was filed in the United States District Court for the
Eastern District of Texas, Marshall Division. The presiding Judge
in this case is noted as being Judge Rodney Gilstrap and referred
to Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne. The complaint for patent
infringement was filed with the court on Friday, July 27, 2012.
(reserves the right to request such a finding at time of trial)
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 eggimage:很可惜對外看來不會有人注意到最後那句 07/29 09:53
→ eggimage:只會被當成proview 2號來看待.... orz 07/29 09:54
推 MetaLover:試驗權是什麼 07/29 10:10
reserves the right to request such a finding at time of trial
然後樓下的解釋非常的好,感謝m(_ _)m
推 TuChinJui:試驗的權力,也包括可以公開paper不用擔心被告 07/29 10:30
推 Ithildin:嗚喔 成大這麼威XD 07/29 10:43
※ 編輯: brianzzy 來自: (07/29 10:54)
推 Ithildin:看起來這提告是為了避免哪天被蘋果告這樣? 07/29 11:20
推 MetaLover:這樣就瞭解了 先打預防針的意思 07/29 12:00
推 nanokevin:蘋果輸了=>禁止在台販售 07/29 13:27
→ kill90206:樓上理解力的很有趣 07/29 13:32
→ chenglian:樓樓上理解力就像小朋友吵架 切八斷不跟你好了 07/29 14:18
推 kennyone:如果不能繼續發論文.. 做這方面實驗的研究生不就 GG 了.. 07/29 15:12
推 nanokevin:德法院判蘋果侵犯MOTO專利 將禁售iPhone=>小德國 超幼稚 07/29 16:10
推 siro0207:http://iodin.tumblr.com/post/13706954162 07/29 16:20
→ siro0207:最近看到這篇文章 寫的還蠻有道理的 07/29 16:20
→ siro0207:這就是商業啊 沒有什麼對不對 合不合理 有沒有品 07/29 16:21
推 tony178:有人可以告訴我要怎麼告嗎? 賣給HTC? 07/29 17:09
推 sapiakevin:阿...是我的指導教授耶..我也可以分到一杯羹嗎 ^___^f 07/29 17:28
推 Crackhead:愛歹丸推一下 07/29 17:48
→ stone99:台灣有這能力..是件好事..畢竟沒有誰對誰錯 07/29 18:00
推 wandallin:Good luck.....XD 07/29 18:14
推 ohha0221:這是商業 但這種作法 會導致科技的不進步 07/29 19:47
→ ohha0221:就像linux是open source 任何人都可以拿程式碼去研究改良 07/29 19:48
→ ohha0221:只是改良後必須要分享出來 這種分享制度 才會讓科技越來 07/29 19:48
→ ohha0221:越進步 一個封閉的環境 是很難持續創新突破的~ 07/29 19:49
噓 tony178:那代表技術的研發不能享有成果要給人家抄嗎? 07/29 19:57
推 siro0207:那大家就等別人去研發改良好了 我做出來的東西不能自己決 07/29 20:21
→ siro0207:定要獨占還是授權出去? 07/29 20:22
→ siro0207:更何況蘋果申請的專利又不是行業標準 有什麼理由非得遵守 07/29 20:25
→ siro0207:FRAND授權? 07/29 20:26
→ siro0207:其實cook也有說過:別家應該要自行創新 而不是踩在蘋果頭 07/29 20:32
→ siro0207:上來創新 07/29 20:32
- Jul 30 Mon 2012 07:49
[情報] 國立成功大學控告蘋果siri觸犯專利